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Trapped and Empty Inside

Trapped and Empty Inside

The necklace ”Trapped and Empty Inside” is a physical manifestation of my depression. It is a visual expression of what it’s like when your world turns into emptiness, when life becomes too much, and you’re trapped both inside your own head and your apartment. When everything becomes a burden and even getting out of bed is more than you can manage. When something inside you has broken and you’ve been reduced to a mere shadow of your former self. When you’re no longer living, just existing. The necklace is an expression of my journey with depression – a journey that still continues, but these days at least is gold-plated.

Materials: Silver, keum boo (24K gold), recycled glass

"Trapped and Empty Inside" was my degree project for becoming an artisan goldsmith and was part of the exhibition Stigma - Beneath the shiny surface at Suomen Kellomuseo, Exhibition Centre Weegee, Espoo, 29.5-9.6.2019.

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